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WSJ, YASaves and A Reading List for Teens Who Don’t Want to Read Paranormal

This response is a bit late but it needed time to germinate. At the beginning of June, the Wall Street Journal published an article called “Darkness Too Visible.” You can read the article but the premise is that fiction for young adults has taken a turn into more “dark” material and the author felt this could be harmful to teens. The YA community responded in force about how teen literature needs to also include stories about the darker parts of life. About how some of the books people might deem “too dark” have actually helped teens out of some bad situations. The movement was called “YASaves”

A few things before I continue:

1) I am not a parent. I am not a teacher. I am not a psychologist. What I am is a reader, a writer and most important: someone who was a teen not too long ago with her own “dark” problems to work out.

2) I agree with YA Saves. I don’t think you’re doing kids any favors by removing media that acknowledges the darker parts of life. I think books can be one of the safest environments to learn about the bad parts of life. You learn to empathize with characters in situations far removed from your own and recognize parallels to your own life. You learn that you are not alone.

I think A Wrinkle in Time author Madeleine L’Engle said it best when she said:

“Our responsibility  to [children] is not to pretend that if we don’t look, evil will go away, but to give them weapons against it.”

3) I will concede to the author that some language and scenes are unnecessary. I think there authors who use violence/swearing/sex in a way that is gratuitous and does nothing for the plot. HOWEVER…I actually don’t come across this very much in YA. In adult fiction yes but most YA fiction I’ve read handles these things very well.

4) The one thing that did resonate with me was the beginning of the article, describing a mother and daughter leaving a Barnes and Noble, unable to find a “non-dark” book. Now I don’t know the situation, whether it was the daughter or the mother who had a problem with the books.

I do know that most bookstores have a balance but to the newly inititated, I can see why one would assume all books are “dark.” Rather then dismiss these consumers, we should try to guide them.

And I do know this: when I was younger, I was not comfortable with vampires/werewolves/the like. Which is funny because now I eat up paranormal books, be they YA or Adult. At the time though, no vampires for me. But that was okay because there were plenty of contemporary/historical/fantasy options for me and still are. With the internet, most of these books are accessible even though they’re not new releases.

(This is not at all to say that all vampire books are automatically “dark.” Not at all. That is what a lot of people assume, not what I think.)

I’d like to share a quick list with you, if you’re a teen who’s also not big on vampires (for whatever reason) and looking for some reading material.

1. Anything by Madeline L’Engle

2. The Redwall Series by Brian Jacques

3. The Princess Diaries Series by Meg Cabot

4. Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

5. Anything by Patricia Wrede

6. The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling

7. The Avon True Romace Series by Avon/Various Authors

8. The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien

9. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

10. The Young Royals Series by Carolyn Meyer

11. Crown Duel by Sherwood Smith

12. The Once Upon a Time Series by Various Authors

Honestly this list could go on and on and on and on because there are options up there. I don’t think its fair to blame publishers or writers. Maybe, just maybe, you can get away with calling out one or two individual bookstores for not stocking enough of a variety. But even that I can’t really support.

Kids are pretty discerning. Or at least I was. If something made me uncomfortable with its subject matter, I put it down. Not to say I was a perfect little child, there were times I read things that a lot of people would deem inappropriate for my age at the time. And I definitely read some dark books about issues far out of my realm.

But the thing is…I think reading about those things helped me. I struggled a lot with depression and self-esteem issues throughout adolescence. I was in and out of counseling.

A lot of books about grappling with darkness helped me during those times, because a lot of days all I could see was the darkness hovering over my life. Also music played a key role–a song from Linkin Park about dealing with pain helped me more than any cheery bubbly song. And I had parents who told me I wasn’t a horrible person for feeling the way I did. They acknowledged the darker things I was feeling. The same way a lot of books do now.

So in conclusion…I don’t want to hate on people who feel like they have no reading alternatives. That seems legit to me as someone who was raised a conservative Christian and very concerned with subject matter throughout adolescence. I think we should provide help for them, not hate.

That being said, you can’t remove the darker parts from books. Because 9 times out of 10, those dark elements are there for good reasons. You are the one to make the choices, don’t demand that the publishers and writers do it for you.

Darcy Bomb 2: The Darcy Strikes Back

It’s 2011 and even though Austen-mania has receded, I’m still finding Pride and Prejudice spin-offs. And I am still unable to not pick them up if I see them in the library. So here’s another round of Mr Darcy goodness.

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Abandon: John Hayden

Usually I don’t review a character in a trilogy until I’ve read all three books. But (1) I talked up this book in my Hades and Persephone post and (2) I went crazy on the Twitter after I read Abandon. So I’m just going to do it and go more in-depth when I’ve read all three. This review will be fairly short because I don’t want to spoil anything.

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The Rochester Riddle

(Before I begin I’d like to apologize for the delay that’s been a problem all year. I’m in a transition stage of finishing school and plunging into the working world. This blog is a priority however and always in my thoughts. I don’t know when the hectic schedule will end but when it does I hope to put new life into this blog. Thanks for understanding.)

No, I haven’t seen the new Jane Eyre movie yet. My only excuse is that it’s only playing in select theaters. And that’s not much of an excuse since a select theater isn’t that far away from me.

But it is one of the reasons I’m writing this. And I’m also prompted by a debate between two of my favorite authors Robin McKinley and Melissa Marr about whether or not Rochester is an attractive character. (McKinley likes him. Marr so does not. Here are the links here and  here )

Usually I am with you, Robin McKinley. Despite (and because) of Mr. Rochester’s “fatal flaws,” when I read Jane Eyre I am swooning for that man. But the older I get, the more I wonder if I should be twitterpated for this man. My wonderings were only compounded as I stumbled across two re-tellings of the story. So…let’s take a look and analyze this man.

Continue reading ‘The Rochester Riddle’

Protecting Plain Jane: Tripp

My car was really iffy the past week so I couldn’t get to the library. But Wegmans has a book section and Harlequin category romances so my days were not so desolate!

I haven’t read a lot of Harlequin categories. I enjoy the publishing company’s regular paperbacks more while the categories seem light and…this. But since I’ve learned in the past few years that romance novels are not things to be generalized and tossed aside, I figured I wasn’t doing anyone a favor by wholly rejecting the categories either. Some may be silly, but every genre and sub-genre has its very silly stories.

(On a sidenote, I meant to get a cowboy romance because I haven’t read much of those. But all the cowboys were either billionaires or secret princes. Where are the real cowboys?)

Continue reading ‘Protecting Plain Jane: Tripp’

Diana Wynne Jones

Very sad news, Diana Wynne Jones author of Howl’s Moving Castle and many other wonderful books has passed away.

Her books were always a great blend of fantasy, magic, humor and romance. She knew the world of fantasy and knew just how to subvert it just as she knew how to adore it. Howl’s Moving Castle continues to be one of my favorite books and probably always will.

Thank you for the stories, rest in peace.

Balefire: Luc and Richard

It’s very rare that I find a YA book/series where there’s a love triangle between two girls and a boy. Usually it’s the reverse. I figure this is because, if a lot of YA with romance has some escapism for the teenage girl reader, she wants to have a hero who is totally dedicated to the heroine. And if there’s two? That’s a pretty powerful fantasy. (Not to say that YA romance is meant to be escapism but I do think that’s a big element in a lot of it).

Meanwhile, that teenage girl reader (and…well, me most of the time) doesn’t want a hero who may like the heroine but maybe not, maybe he’ll go for someone else. So most of these type of love triangles are where the guy is dating the popular girl but then realizes pretty early on that “hey, heroine is cute and smart and awesome. Maybe I want to be with her instead.”

The Balefire series was interesting because not only do we start off with two protagonists (twins Clio and Thais) but has them both falling for the same guy. And while the love triangle (and the boy) is a good chunk of the story, it falls to the background amidst a complex plot and dynamic characters.

I will do my best not to be terribly spoileriffic with this one but some things may pop out.

Continue reading ‘Balefire: Luc and Richard’

Pamela: Mr. B

I first heard about Pamela by Samuel Richardson from a professor discussing Moll Flanders (easily one of my least favorite books). Novels as we know them were a pretty new thing in the 18th century when Moll Flanders was published and many of their authors felt that it was their duty to edify their readers. One of these was Pamela.

He called it a “horrible, awful” book written to teach young ladies not to have sex outside of marriage. The plot he described was very much like some gothic novels so…I had to read it.

Continue reading ‘Pamela: Mr. B’

Romance and the Mancandy

Happy valentine’s all! Whether you are single or taken, I hope you all appreciate the idea of romance. Especially since that’s the genre of books that I tend to review the most. So in honor of the holiday, I’m bringing you a list of the top five most romantic book heroes.

Continue reading ‘Romance and the Mancandy’

Brian Jacques

Today one of my favorite authors, Brian Jacques died. Jacques wrote the amazing Redwall series which I devoured, starting in middle school and going into my college years.

Redwall and the resulting books revolve around Redwall Abbey and its inhabitants, peaceful woodland creatures. Over the years they have been attacked by several fierce hoards and warlord and savages and pirates. When this happens, the abbey’s first warrior, Martin chooses a champion to defend Redwall. The series expanded to develop the myths and lore surrounding other locations and characters in the universe.

Each species of animal (otters, squirrels, mice, moles, hares, hedgehogs and more) had their own culture, their own ways and their specific dialect. It was the kind of series that any age of reader could enjoy. Brian Jacques made a world where every triumph and tragedy felt real to the last detail–from the grand banquets the abbey put on to the characters who died in the battles fought. Brian Jacques was and is a large part of my reading history and I will miss him Rest in peace.


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